10 Diet Tips for the New Year

Starting a new diet is never easy. You will want to cheat and even give up at times, but just remember the reason you started. To help you stay on track with your 2016 fitness goals , we’ve compiled a list of 10 Diet Tips for the New Year.

Post Workout Recovery Plan

Post Workout Recovery Plan - recovering from your workout is just as important as the workout itself - learn an efficient way to recoup at blog.marcypro.com

Muscle Tightness

69 lock up muscle tightness

How to avoid muscle cramps during a workout and keep up with a fitness lifestyle - blog.marcypro.com

7 Ways Exercise & Better Fitness Will Make You Happy

Happy workout exercise better fitness

Exercise and better fitness levels are all you need to begin feeling less stressed, more confident, healthier and happier overall. Staying active not only keeps you slim and strong but it can also have a profound impact on your mood. Here are 7 ways exercise will make you happy.