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Best Recumbent Exercise Bike: Marcy ME-709 Recumbent Bike

Marcy me-709 best recumbent exercise bike

Marcy me-709 best recumbent exercise bike

Looking for the best recumbent exercise bike for you? The Marcy ME-709 Recumbent Bike was recently rated the second best cycle of its kind in 2016 by in their article, “6 Best Recumbent Exercise Bikes 2016.” Complete with a comfortable design and an array of workout features, this stationary bike is a great addition to any home gym. Here is why you should consider investing in your own ME-709 Recumbent Bike today:

It’s a recumbent bike

Recumbent exercise bikes differ from uprights in a variety of ways, the main one being the relaxed seating position. There are plenty of benefits to the recumbent seating style, including comfort and safety. Check out our previous blog post, Home Gym Cardio Tips: 5 Benefits of a Recumbent Exercise Bike, to read more about the incredible benefits of using a recumbent exercise bike.

It can accommodate all fitness levels

Another great attribute of the Marcy ME-709 Recumbent Bike is the fact that it can be used by trainers of all experience levels. The bike comes equipped with eight levels of preset resistance so you can continue to challenge yourself as your strength and stamina increases. An easy-to-adjust tension knob also allows users to customize their workout to best fit their needs. Interested in tracking your progress as you train? The ME-709 also features a large console display so you can keep track of your speed, distance, time and calories burned as you work out.

It’s safer than an upright bike

The recumbent seating style is especially great for beginners and trainers with injuries because of the increased safety. The Marcy ME-709 Recumbent Bike offers a seat in which you are low to the ground with your legs pedaling in front of you, which makes for a low-impact exercise that supports joint and back health while you burn calories. This cycle is also equipped with counterbalanced pedals and adjustable foot straps so you can train confidently knowing that you are safe and secure.

It’s perfect for home gym use

Another feature that you won’t find in a lot of other recumbent exercise bikes is portability and convenience for home use. The Marcy ME-709 was designed specifically for home gyms and it features a compact design as well as transport wheels for easy portability and storage between workouts.

It’s a favorite among our customers!

The Marcy ME-709 Recumbent Bike is one of our top selling items and with good reason! The recumbent exercise bike is a great tool for cardio fitness as well as weight loss. In fact, one of our customers was able to lose 135 pounds in just 18 months with the help of his own ME-709!

You can purchase your own Marcy ME-709 Recumbent Bike directly from today!

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