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Equipment You Should Consider For Your Strength Training

equipment you should consider for your strength training

If you’re a fitness beginner, the first time you step into a gym might seem intimidating, especially the weight section. Everyone has to start somewhere so if you’re considering a routine that will help you improve your strength, you need to know how each piece of equipment in the gym like the Smith Machine is going to help you achieve your fitness goals.


Knowing what equipment is going to help you improve your strength is important so you can plan your routine properly. If you’re planning to start your own gym at home, these are the gear you’re going to need:


Free Weights


The Olympic bar your standard training barbell. It weighs about 45 lbs and its 7.2 ft. long. The bar has bearings that make it spin which will assist you as you’re doing Olympic lifts. These lifts can help you focus on building your upper body strength.



Dumbbells are a mainstay in any gym, your home gym notwithstanding. They allow flexibility when it comes to routine. Dumbbells can weigh anywhere between 1 lb. to 200 lbs. The number of exercises that you can do with the dumbbells can also help improve your upper body strength.



Squat Racks

Squat racks come in variety of shapes and sizes but the common features squat racks share are the two vertical upright columns connected with a horizontal bar. Some squat racks will have safety features, while some may not. You can target your legs and glutes with the squat rack.


Power Rack

The power rack offers more routines for you to do. You can hook a barbell to the frame using the hooks and safety pins on the side of the frames. The power rack can help you to bench press, squats, and overhead press.


Smith Machine

The Smith Machine can provide you with the full body strength training exercise that you’ve been looking for. It allows you to focus on specific areas of your body that you want to develop. With these isolation exercises, you target muscles that you feel are lagging behind in terms of strength. Furthermore, just like the power rack, it can allow you to perform a number of exercises including the presses and squats.


If you’re planning to setup your own gym at home, these are the equipment you want so you can improve your strength. Check out for more hardware you can use for your fitness needs!

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