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How To Deal With Sore Muscles After a Workout

Using the best home exercise equipment to perform workouts feels rewarding, but right after a particularly vigorous routine, your muscles can start feeling sore. Muscle soreness can be a major bother, but there are ways that you can deal with it so you can be ready for your next workout.

To help you deal with muscle soreness during and after your workout, here are some of the things that you can try:

Dealing with Sore Muscles During Your Workout

Prevention is better than cure, so before you begin your routines, here’s what you can do:


It’s advisable that before every workout that you perform stretching movements. This will help fully prepare your body. Perform dynamic stretches which involve moving muscles and follow those up with static stretches where you hold. Lunges are one example of dynamic stretches.

Warm Up

Without preparation, the chance for muscle soreness increases if you choose to jump right into your routine. Furthermore, without a sufficient warm up, the chance for injury increases. Performing cardio routines are a great warm up. If you plan to do lifts, adding cardio to your routine helps keep your muscles ready for heavy lifting.

Keep Hydrated

To prevent cramping and soreness, it’s important to keep sufficiently hydrated before, during, and after a workout. Keep a bottle of water ready especially if you plan an intense routine or if you’re doing your workout in the heat.

Maintain Good Form

Having good form also helps prevent the wrong muscles from getting sore during a routine. You can experience less soreness with correct posture as you start a routine, regardless of the weight you’re planning to lift.

Dealing With Sore Muscles Right After Your Workout

If your muscles are starting to feel sore right after your workout, here’s what you can do:

Prepare an Ice Bath

In college and professional sports, each locker room has an ice bath ready. After an intense game or workout, athletes typically dip in an ice bath for about 10 minutes. Cold baths can help reduce the soreness.

Applying Heating Pads

A few hours after you finish with your exercise routine, applying a hot compress can help reduce muscle tightness and stimulate blood flow which can help speed the healing process.

Try Pineapple Juice

Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapples and has anti-inflammatory properties. Eating pineapples or drinking pineapple juice can significantly reduce body inflammation.

Dealing With Sore Muscles the Day After the Workout

The day after your workout and your muscles are still feeling sore, here’s what you can do:

Keep Using Sore Muscles

Use the same muscles that you worked out during your day to day activities. Using muscles in a non-resistant way is a means to reduce or avoid soreness. For example, if you have sore muscles from skiing, you may want to try riding a bike.

Apply Cold Compress

While an ice bath can provide significant help, continuing to apply ice topically to sore muscles can help you deal with the soreness that typically comes the following day. Muscle inflammation is reduced by the cold.

Try Self-Massage

Massages are great for tired and sore muscles. After a vigorous workout, self-massaging those sore muscles can help you control the pressure once you press on the muscles. Massages can help relax the muscle and stretch them to relieve tension.

If you’re in need of more information regarding proper workout routines, fitness tips, and gym equipment you can check out!


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