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Marcy Home Gym + Bruce Lee

Legendary Martial Artist, Bruce Lee and his Marcy Home Gym

Bruce Lee was a legendary martial artist and renowned movie star.  He was born November 27, 1940.  Lee was well-known for his performance in the 1973 classic movie, Enter the Dragon.

Lee’s martial arts training started with traditional Kung Fu. He gradually progressed further and invented a new fighting style called Jeet Kune Do. The cornerstone of Jeet Kune Do is based on the philosophy “Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless.”  Since passing on July 20, 1973, his legend continues to inspire athletes, artists, and prominent figures.

The major contributing factor to his lean and defined body was his November 1972 purchase and use of a multi-station weight-training machine, our original Marcy Circuit Trainer.

What is circuit training?

Circuit training is exercising with either equipment or a machine that can accommodate at least 8-12 movements, or workout stations.  To create a circuit, you would need to perform each exercise back to back with no rest in between, until one circuit is complete.

Lee would line up 8-12 exercise stations with his Marcy multi-station Home Gym and workout each one for 30-60 seconds, switching between them with little or no rest. Lee’s Marcy home gym training system had nine stations: bench press, lat pull down, two high pulleys, two low pulleys, isometric rack, knee-up or leg developer, shoulder press, pull up bar, and leg press.

List of Bruce Lee’s Circuit Training Routine

First set of workouts

Two sets of each of the following exercise with eight reps

Second set of workouts

Four sets of each of the following exercise with six reps

Amongst these training, Lee also trained for hours at a time on cardio and abs that includes jump rope, running, cycling, punching, kicking, boxing, sparring, and heavy bag work.  Nutrition played a very huge part to his training as well.

Cardio Workout

Abs Workout

His abs training schedule included 5 sets of each of the following exercises

If you are aiming to gain strength and muscle definition, you can incorporate any of the best home gym exercise machine with multiple stations with affordable prices at Marcy Pro

Resources: [1] [2] [3]

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