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9 Tips to Increase Your Workout Motivation

Increase your workout motivation MD-9010G Pec Fly

Increase your workout motivation MD-9010G Pec Fly

Sometimes the hardest part about getting in shape is finding the energy and inspiration to stay motivated with your exercise routine. It can be so easy to find an excuse not to work out and sometimes you just want to unwind after a long, stressful day. Here are nine tips to increase your workout motivation so you can stay on track to achieving your fitness goals:

  1. Listen to music

Music not only boosts your energy and allows you to keep pushing through even the most grueling workouts, but it also keeps your mind occupied, making it easier to endure long training sessions. For longer cardio sessions, we recommend you try listening to podcasts or audiobooks to keep you going.

  1. Set goals

You don’t need to sign yourself up for a big competition or marathon to motivate yourself to workout. Although major goals like this are great motivators, mini-goals are often more realistic and effective. For example, if you are new to running, try setting a goal of running one full mile. Once you are able to do this, you can set a new mini-goal for running a mile and a half or two miles. Keeping your goals personalized to your fitness needs is going to keep you motivated longer.

  1. Reward yourself

Now, we’re not saying you should eat an entire pint of ice cream right after each workout. However, instilling the idea in your mind that you will be rewarded for doing good, hard work can do wonders for your drive to succeed. Try to offer yourself a reward once you accomplish each mini-goal listed above. This will give you more motivation to complete your goals and get in shape.

  1. Make a calendar

Speaking of goals, it’s going to be much easier and more rewarding to accomplish them when they are written down on a calendar. This forces you to push yourself to achieve your goal in a predetermined time frame, making that reward you give yourself even more satisfying! Creating a workout calendar is also a great way to ensure that you are getting all of the workouts in that you need to at a frequent enough rate to maximize your results. Trust us, putting that X over your daily workouts on your calendar is going to become the most satisfying part of your day.

  1. Track your success

Keeping a workout journal is a great way to remember and appreciate how your hard work is paying off. You don’t need to write about every aspect of each exercise you did for this to work. Simply keep track of measurable things, such as your mood, quality of life, weight or whatever else you may want to monitor.

  1. Remind yourself why you started

Whether it was because you wanted to fit into smaller clothes, feel healthier, look better or accomplish another goal, reminding yourself why you started is one of the best motivators for a workout. Getting started can be tough but just remember that once you begin to see the results, the desire to keep pushing will only get stronger.

  1. Think about that post-workout feeling

If you are having a tough time getting started with a workout, just think back to a previous training session and how you felt afterwards. If you are exercising correctly, then chances are you feel great after you’re done. Replacing your negative fitness memories with positive ones will boost your desire to succeed significantly.

  1. Get competitive… with yourself

When you are working towards a personal goal such as weight loss or a healthier lifestyle you are competing with the old version of yourself. See these new challenges as ways to change not only your body but your mindset as well. Picking up recreational sports is another great way to get in shape. Competition works wonders for your motivation because it takes your mind off of the task and allows you to focus more on the end goal.

  1. Invest in some home gym equipment

Having easy access to home gym equipment offers plenty of motivational benefits. Home gyms are both private and convenient and with top quality, affordable home gym equipment from brands like Marcy, Bionic Body, Apex and SteelBody you can begin training in the comfort of your own home today. Visit to browse a variety of strength training equipment, cardio machines and fitness accessories.

Sources: [1], [2]

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