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Best Core Exercises: Top 4 Dumbbells Workouts for Stronger Abs

Best core exercises dumbbells workouts abs ODC-21

Best core exercises dumbbells workouts abs ODC-21

There are plenty of benefits when it comes to building core strength and sometimes you need to add a little extra weight to your core exercises to get the best results. Utilizing dumbbells in your ab workouts will force your core muscles to work even harder than they would during regular bodyweight movements. Here are our Top 4 Dumbbells Workouts for Stronger Abs:

  1. Dumbbell Swing

The Dumbbell Swing is a powerful movement that engages not just your core but your deltoids, forearms and lower body muscles as well. The Dumbbell Swing can also be performed with a kettlebell and is great for developing core flexibility and strength. Here’s how to do it:


  1. Dumbbell Side Bend

Trying to get rid of those love handles? Well, the Dumbbell Side Bend might become your new favorite core exercise. This classic weighted ab move allows you to target your obliques and carve out a solid midsection. Here’s how to do it:


  1. Dumbbell Crunch

The crunch is a classic bodyweight movement that targets your core. One way to achieve even greater benefits from this workout is by adding a dumbbell for extra weight and resistance. The Dumbbell Crunch will do a great job of flattening your stomach and tightening your abdominal muscles. This exercise can also be performed on an ab bench for additional comfort and greater results. Here’s how to do it:


  1. Single-arm Sit-up

The Single-arm Sit-up is the most complex of these four dumbbell core workouts but the results make it a must try. When performed correctly and frequently, this exercise will increase both strength and stability in your core, particularly in your lower abs and obliques. Here’s how to do it:

Don’t own any dumbbells? No problem! Marcy Pro offers a selection of top quality dumbbells that are perfect for home gym use so you can begin performing these dumbbell core exercises from the comfort of your own home today.

Sources: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]

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