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Why are Air Bikes a harder workout than regular bikes?

Male Model using the NS-1000 Fan Bike / Air Bike

Rowing Machines have a wide variety of benefits and are considered one of the best cardio exercise machines. Air bikes, also known as fan bikes, are strong competitors for the #1 cardio machine spot. Just like rowers, air bikes are popular amongst fitness enthusiasts (specifically, the crossfit community.) Stationary bikes cannot deliver the same comprehensive full body workout as a rower, but air bikes have a number of benefits.

Most air bikes have handles that move in tandem with the pedals (similar to an elliptical.) The handles on these exercise bikes allow for an upper and lower body workout that targets triceps, chest, back, and biceps. Whereas other indoor cycling bikes only target the hamstrings, quads, etc in your legs. You will need to put your whole body into this cardio workout given the high intensity resistance created by the fan.

Just like an air rower or water rower, if you pedal faster on an air bike, the air resistance increases. The ever increasing resistance and full body workout are the reasons hardcore fitness enthusiasts choose these stationary exercise bikes. You can get a great workout on a magnetic resistance recumbent exercise bike. However, there is a set limit to how hard you can push yourself on magnetic resistance recumbent bike.

It is clear an air bike provides a harder workout than a magnetic resistance bike. However, a training bike (or spin bike) uses a similar resistance property to air resistance. This brings up the question – air bike vs. spin bike, which is the best exercise bike? The answer is dependant on your goals.

For those aiming to become better cyclists, we would recommend going with a spin bike / training bike for your home gym. A training bike’s resistance increases the harder you pedal because the resistance is created by a flywheel. The flywheel creates resistance that has no limit, similar to air resistance.

However, the handles do not move on a training bike, as a result, you do not get the full body workout. Since you aim to be a better cyclist, focusing solely on working out your legs with a training bike is ideal. Find out more about cycling and learn a little bit about the Tour de France while you’re at it.

If you do go with a training bike, skip the spin classes and buy one for your garage gym here.

If you’re goal is to become more fit and shred calories, an air bike is the way to go. Activating multiple muscles during your workout is the most efficient way to build cardio endurance and burn calories. Thus, pumping your arms and pedaling at the same time is a great cardio workout.

To measure your progress, we recommend going with a heart rate monitor. A heart rate monitor helps keep you in your ideal heart rate zone. As a result, you maximize calorie burning efficiency and avoid burning out. If you couple heart rate monitoring with high intensity interval training on your fan bike, you will see results fast!

Check out more details on several different styles of working out on an air bike here. Marcypro has air bikes that are just as effective as other exercise fan bikes you see on the market. The NS-1000 and Air-1 fan bikes are very similar aside from size. These heavy duty fan bikes have adjustable seats, transport wheels, and more conveniences to benefit from.

Some people prefer to go outdoors for their workouts. In which case, something like a road bike would make for a joyful ride. But, if you’re looking to build out your home gym even further and want an intense cardio workout, an air bike is optimal.

Nevertheless, as the old saying goes “the best exercise is the one you will do.” Don’t limit yourself to a cardio machine solely based on efficiency. If you find rowing more fun or an elliptical easier on your knees, choose one of those. The important thing is for everyone to get exercise, reach their goals, and #Makeithappen.

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