Routines for Getting Rid of Back Fat

When it comes to toning and slimming down our bodies, we tend to focus on the areas that are most noticeable such as the legs, arms, stomach, and butt. However, some people are forgetting about another muscle group that you need work on – your back. Working on your back can help improve your overall [...]

Kettlebell Workout Routines: How to Master the Kettlebell Swing

Kettlebell workout routines kettlebell swing VKBS-50

Kettlebells offer many of the benefits of both strength training and cardio in one compact home gym accessory. When performed properly, kettlebell workouts can improve posture, strengthen your heart, burn fat, and improve back health, among an array of other health benefits. This article contains instructions and tips for executing the most powerful kettlebell workout, the Kettlebell Swing.