What Is the Perfect Curl Bar Weight for You?

You are ready to get the upper body you’ve always wanted. Maybe you just want to send those “bat wings” flapping away or you dream of sculpted biceps and pecs. Where to get started? A great option is to pick up a curl bar and get to work. If you are new to fitness or [...]

5 Reasons You Need a Home Gym in Your Life

Best home gym equipment best home workout SM-4008

There are so many easy excuses for skipping a workout: not enough time, too tired, too cold and so on. But, so many of those excuses no longer apply when you have the best home gym equipment. Are you ready for the best home workout? Here are five good reasons why you need a home gym in your life.

Travel Workout Routines & Fitness Tips

Travel workout routines fitness tips

Tired of gaining weight on the road? Trouble keeping up with your workout routine when traveling? Here are some top travel fitness tips and excercises that will keep you in shape -- even if you didn’t pack any of your home fitness equipment.

Picking the Home Gym of Your Life

We all know that commercial gyms and fitness centers are great but there’s something about having a home gym can be more beneficial.  As we continue to lead busier lives, finding the time to get to the gym on a regular basis can be challenging.  It doesn’t help that there are more distractions now more [...]