Tips for Becoming an Effective Fitness Instructor

If you have a keen interest in fitness and you’d like to pursue a career in helping other people become healthier, being a fitness instructor can be a rewarding profession. As an instructor, you need to be knowledgeable about health facts, about how certain exercises are performed correctly, and about the proper use of the [...]

Workout Routines for Couples

Being in a romantic relationship means that you care and support one another. One way you can support your partner is by making sure both of you are physically fit through exercise. If you have the best home exercise equipment, it’s time that you both get started with your fitness goals! If you usually spend [...]

How To Deal With Sore Muscles After a Workout

Using the best home exercise equipment to perform workouts feels rewarding, but right after a particularly vigorous routine, your muscles can start feeling sore. Muscle soreness can be a major bother, but there are ways that you can deal with it so you can be ready for your next workout. To help you deal with [...]

5 Reasons You Need a Home Gym in Your Life

Best home gym equipment best home workout SM-4008

There are so many easy excuses for skipping a workout: not enough time, too tired, too cold and so on. But, so many of those excuses no longer apply when you have the best home gym equipment. Are you ready for the best home workout? Here are five good reasons why you need a home gym in your life.

4 Weight Plate Rack Options to Organize Your Home Gym

Featured Image weight plate racks home gym STB-0130

Adding a weight plate rack to your workout space will allow you to organize your free weights, minimize scratches to your floors and perform your strength training routine as efficiently as possible. Here are four weight plate rack options to organize your home gym.

The 6 Best Chest Exercises to Maximize Size and Strength

The 6 Best Chest Exercises to Maximize Size and Strength MWM-988 Butterfly

When it comes to strength training there are some chest exercises that can be more effective than others, but with the right combination of workouts you can start building pecs that pop and the strength a professional athlete. Here are six chest exercises that use barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells and your body weight to maximize size and strength.

Home Gym Cardio Tips: The Power of the Mini Stepper

Mini stepper cardio workout MS 95 Both Models

The mini stepper allows trainers to feel the effects of a variety of cardio exercises in the comfort of your home gym. Here is a list of benefits and an overview of two mini steppers that will allow you to get an invigorating cardio workout.

8 Home Gym Accessories You Never Thought You Needed

8 Home Gym Accessories You Never Thought You Needed

With brands like Marcy it is now easier than ever to turn any room into a personal home gym. If you are serious about getting fit and expanding your home workout possibilities then you must try some of these eight home gym accessories you never thought you needed.