10-minute Abs? Nope, be realistic with… everyday abs!

10-minute Abs? Nope, be realistic with... all day abs! - Cartoon Transformation

For most, having a defined set of abs is the pinnacle of looking good and / or fit. Granted, it is impressive to have defined abs as they take a lot of work and discipline to define, as does toning most of your body. However, abs get respect from people because they are particularly difficult [...]

Marcy Home Gym + Bruce Lee

Legendary Martial Artist, Bruce Lee and his Marcy Home Gym Bruce Lee was a legendary martial artist and renowned movie star.  He was born November 27, 1940.  Lee was well-known for his performance in the 1973 classic movie, Enter the Dragon. Lee’s martial arts training started with traditional Kung Fu. He gradually progressed further and [...]

Quit Ignoring your Cardio Exercises!

Quit Ignoring your Cardio Exercises! - Lose Weight by Walking

Many dread pushing through their cardio every other day. However, cardio often takes very little effort. The issue is likely people are not choosing the cardio that suits them best. Someone once said the best workout for you is the one you enjoy. If you know who, let us know in the comments! The idea [...]

Steps for Achieving Successful Fitness Goals

The first step towards having a healthier body begins with setting goals for yourself. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or build muscle mass, using the best home exercise equipment while following a set workout and diet plan will help you achieve your overall fitness goals. 1. Explore Ideas Do your research and find workout [...]